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Module Configuration

Adapt Nuxt API Party to your needs with the following options in your nuxt.config.ts file:

// `nuxt.config.ts`
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-api-party'],

  apiParty: {
    endpoints: {
      // ... your API endpoints


Main module configuration for your API endpoints. Each key represents an endpoint ID, which is used to generate the composables. The value is an object with the following properties:

  • url: The URL of the API endpoint
  • token: The API token to use for the endpoint (optional)
  • query: Query parameters to send with each request (optional)
  • headers: Headers to send with each request (optional)
  • cookies: Whether to send cookies with each request (optional)
  • allowedUrls: A list of allowed URLs to change the backend URL at runtime (optional)
  • schema: A URL, file path, object, or async function pointing to an OpenAPI Schema used to generate types (optional)
  • openAPITS: Configuration options for openapi-typescript. Options defined here will override the global openAPITS


The composables are generated based on your API endpoint ID. For example, if you were to call an endpoint jsonPlaceholder, the composables will be called useJsonPlaceholderData and $jsonPlaceholder.

Default value: {}


interface ApiEndpoint {
  url: string
  token?: string
  query?: QueryObject
  headers?: Record<string, string>
  cookies?: boolean
  allowedUrls?: string[]
  schema?: string | URL | OpenAPI3 | (() => Promise<OpenAPI3>)
  openAPITS?: OpenAPITSOptions

type ApiPartyEndpoints = Record<string, ApiEndpoint> | undefined


export default defineNuxtConfig({
  apiParty: {
    endpoints: {
      // Will generate `$jsonPlaceholder` and `useJsonPlaceholderData`
      jsonPlaceholder: {
        url: process.env.JSON_PLACEHOLDER_API_BASE_URL!,
        token: process.env.JSON_PLACEHOLDER_API_TOKEN!
      // Will generate `$cms` and `useCmsData`
      cms: {
        url: process.env.CMS_API_BASE_URL!,
        headers: {
          Authorization: `Basic ${globalThis.btoa(`${process.env.CMS_API_USERNAME}:${process.env.CMS_API_PASSWORD}`)}`
      // Will generate `$petStore` and `usePetStore` as well as types for each path
      petStore: {
        url: process.env.PET_STORE_API_BASE_URL!,
        schema: `${process.env.PET_STORE_API_BASE_URL!}/openapi.json`


The global configuration options for openapi-typescript. Options set here will be applied to every endpoint schema, but can be overridden by individual endpoint options.

Type Declaration

interface ApiEndpoint {
  url: string
  token?: string
  query?: QueryObject
  headers?: Record<string, string>
  cookies?: boolean
  allowedUrls?: string[]
  schema?: string | URL | OpenAPI3 | (() => Promise<OpenAPI3>)
  openAPITS?: OpenAPITSOptions

interface ModuleOptions {
   * API endpoints
   * @remarks
   * Each key represents an endpoint ID, which is used to generate the composables. The value is an object with the following properties:
   * - `url`: The URL of the API endpoint
   * - `token`: The API token to use for the endpoint (optional)
   * - `query`: Query parameters to send with each request (optional)
   * - `headers`: Headers to send with each request (optional)
   * - `cookies`: Whether to send cookies with each request (optional)
   * - `allowedUrls`: A list of allowed URLs to change the [backend URL at runtime]( (optional)
   * - `schema`: A URL, file path, object, or async function pointing to an [OpenAPI Schema]( used to [generate types](/guide/openapi-types) (optional)
   * - `openAPITS`: [Configuration options]( for `openapi-typescript`. Options defined here will override the global `openAPITS`
   * @example
   * export default defineNuxtConfig({
   *   apiParty: {
   *     endpoints: {
   *       jsonPlaceholder: {
   *         url: ''
   *         headers: {
   *           Authorization: `Basic ${globalThis.btoa('username:password')}`
   *         }
   *       }
   *     }
   *   }
   * })
   * @default {}
  endpoints?: Record<string, ApiEndpoint>

   * Allow client-side requests besides server-side ones
   * @remarks
   * By default, API requests are only made on the server-side. This option allows you to make requests on the client-side as well. Keep in mind that this will expose your API credentials to the client.
   * Note: If Nuxt SSR is disabled, all requests are made on the client-side by default.
   * @example
   * useJsonPlaceholderData('/posts/1', { client: true })
   * @default false
  client?: boolean | 'allow' | 'always'

   * Global options for openapi-typescript
  openAPITS?: OpenAPITSOptions

  server?: {
     * The API base path for the Nuxt server handler
     * @default '__api_party'
    basePath?: string

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