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Dynamic Backend URL

If you need to change the backend URL at runtime, you can do so by using a custom header based on the endpoint name. This is useful for example when you have a multi-tenant application where each tenant has its own backend URL.

To prevent leaking sensitive data you have to specify a list of allowed backend URLs for each endpoint in the allowedUrls option. If the dynamic backend URL is not in the array, the request will be rejected.

// `nuxt.config.ts`
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-api-party'],

  apiParty: {
    endpoints: {
      jsonPlaceholder: {
        url: '',
        allowedUrls: ['']



The examples below assume that you have set up an API endpoint called jsonPlaceholder. In this case you can use the Json-Placeholder-Endpoint-Url header to change the backend URL at runtime.

const { data } = await useJsonPlaceholderData(
    headers: {
      'Json-Placeholder-Endpoint-Url': ''

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